Marine Diagnostic Tools






Diacom Marine diagnostic software

DIACOM® Marine

MEFI troubleshooting article


DIACOM® Marine
PC Software

For Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, & XP-SP2

Diacom Marine is a powerful Windows based diagnostic tool that is revolutionizing marine engine service.  With advanced engine control systems now standard on nearly all gasoline inboard and stern drive engines, you need a service tool that pinpoints problems quickly and accurately. 

Diacom Marine unlocks the computing power of your notebook PC and provides state-of the- art features that simply leave other diagnostic tools in it’s wake.



Detailed Product Information

Marine Price List

Web Store / Online Ordering

Mercruiser marine scan tool

        Detailed information and specifications

             Scan Tool Adapter Reference

        Version 6 software update available!

MerCruiser Scan Tool

Developed in conjunction with MerCruiser engineers, this self-contained diagnostic tool displays complete EFI system information allowing you to quickly pinpoint engine related problems. The tool performs a complete range of EFI system tests and also contains a built-in programmable fuel injector tester. This tool is the choice of MerCruiser and independent marine dealers worldwide.

This tool is no longer in production and has been replaced by the TechMate Pro marine scan tool below:


Mercruiser marine scan tool

        Detailed information and specifications

             TechMate Pro Adapter Reference

TechMate Pro Scan Tool

TechMate Pro is our new generation diagnostic scan tool built for professional marine service applications.

The TechMate Pro supports the widest range of marine engines in the industry. Built using the latest flash based microprocessor technology the tool features USB connetivity for easy updates, a high visibility multi-line graphic LCD display viewable in direct sunlight, SD card slot for system expansion, ergonomic soft-touch / anti-slip exterior for assured handling in marine environments, a water resistant key pad along with a host of other features.

Web Store / Online Ordering

CodeMate marine code reader

MEFI Code Reader

For GM-Delphi MEFI-1 thru MEFI-4

This pocket size tester serves as both an EFI Problem Indicator and a Spark Timing service tool. It is the perfect tool for low volume marine repair shops that troubleshoot a small number of EFI systems a year. CodeMate allows fault codes to be read and allows base spark advance to be set when used with a timing light.

For GM-Delphi MEFI-1 thru MEFI-4
systems only.  Not compatible with
MEFI-5 and above or 2001 and newer
MerCruiser PCM-555 / ECM-555.

CodeMate User Guide

Web Store / Online Ordering

Part #94008

Read Our Latest
EFI Connections

Read about the latest systems from marine engine manufacturers and keep abreast of upcoming changes in engine technology.

In this issue:

- Sterndrive / Inboard Direct Injection

- 2018 Mercury Engine Support

- Indmar's Ford Raptor Engine

- CAN Bus Basics

- Introducing TechMate Pro

- Plus much more...

  Version 6.0 has been released!

               Click here for MerCruiser Version 6 info

                      Click here for TechMate Version 6 info        

         Adobe Acrobat pdf format   Scan Tool Update Installation Guide!

Scan Tool
Software Update Kits

Be sure your diagnostic tools are equipped with the latest software.  Version 6.0 software has been released for both the MerCruiser and TechMate scan tools.  The software provides many new features that will assist you in your diagnostic work.  If you are not sure which version of software is currently running in your scan tool, you can find out by observing the tool's display screen when it is initially powered on. A new revision of Diacom plus software is also available which supports new electronic systems released by MerCruiser and other marine engine manufacturers. Please contact us for more information.

MerCruiser Scan Tool Update Kit

TechMate Scan Tool Update Kit

TechMate Pro Updates

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Rinda Technologies Inc.
4563 N. Elston Ave.
Chicago, IL 60630
Tel: 773-736-6633

All rights reserved worldwide.
All specifications subject to change without notice