Winner of Popular Mechanics Design & Engineering
"DIACOM software is the key to the secrets lurking within your
car's computer"
John Baechtel
Hot Rod Magazine
Diacom and Diacom Plus
The software that's changing the way vehicles are serviced


Records and Displays vehicle performance data in real time
Views up to 3 functions simultaneously
Automatically scans for system trouble codes
Includes Interface cables and operating manuals
To order now call:
(773) 736 6633
Available for GM & Chrysler cars and light trucks
Download Diacom GM Demo
Diacom allows you to collect valuable performance data from your vehicle's on board
computer system, potentially saving you hours of troubleshooting time. Quickly discover
which parts of your engine control system are performing to specification and pinpoint
problems quickly.
System Requirements:
The following are minimum requirements for your PC:
- IBM PC, AT, PS/2 or compatible PC or Laptop
- 5.25" or 3.5" floppy drive, hard disk is optional but recommended for vehicle
data storage.
- One parallel printer port
- At least 512K of RAM
- CGA, EGA OR VGA compatible CRT or LCD display screen and controller
Download Diacom literature pack & price sheet (290K Acrobat .pdf file)
Request Diacom literature pack via US mail
Copyright (C) 2005 Rinda Technologies Inc.
All rights reserved worldwide.
All specifications subject to change without notice.
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